Wednesday pondering – on endings and beginnings

It so happens that today is the 31st of December. Yeah, the last day of 2014 falls in a Wednesday, and as I saw it this morning, a voice inside me (yes, I hear voices inside me – calm down, I don’t listen to all of them :D) told me to make an attempt at … Continue reading

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Wednesday pondering – on God

Yes, I know, it’s been a VERY long while. And honestly, I was kind of wondering if I’d get to write such weekly ponderings again, because I was caught up with tons of things around here. But it so happened today that, when I took my children to school today, my elder one’s teacher mentioned … Continue reading

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Wednesday pondering – on mine and yours

I felt the urge of writing this because lately everybody around me seems so fondly attached to objects and feels the need to express possession of those – “my TV”, “my phone”, “my house”, “my room”, “my car”, “my, my, my…” and so on. As if any of those “earthly treasures” can somehow define who … Continue reading

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Wednesday pondering – on music

Wednesday morning, outside it’s raining (it’s been raining a lot around here lately actually) and my fingers run on the computer keyboard while in the background Yo-Yo Ma is performing miracles on his cello with Bach’s suites. I cannot hold back a melancholic smile, remembering a part of my youth which I put aside for … Continue reading

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Wednesday pondering – on flower power

This morning I took my coffee and went to drink it in front of my house, enjoying some minutes of peace and quiet before the day starting to unfold. Some weeks ago I took outside the house some geraniums, and put them on a shelf near my entrance, and today I was watching them, thinking … Continue reading

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Wednesday pondering – on spring cleaning

This one will be a brief text, generated by a discussion I just had with a couple of friends about the soon to be here Easter holiday. They were telling me how people prepare for the up-coming days, cleaning their places and preparing all sort of food and so on, and then I remembered the … Continue reading

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Wednesday pondering – on paths

Several days ago, being away from home, I happened to pass by some mountains that looked absolutely stunning, and I found myself thinking “these are so beautiful, I hope one day I’ll have the chance to know their beauty from a closer distance”. Then I remembered how, years ago, something similar happened. I was with … Continue reading

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Wednesday pondering – on gardening tools

I was doing some spring gardening a few days ago, and at some point I saw my mother-in-law (who was visiting at the time) grabbing the scissors in order to remove some withered branches from a bush, and I heard her murmuring “that’s it, you waste the roots for nothing anyway”. I knew why she … Continue reading

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Wednesday pondering – on yin & yang

Tonight I’m writing about duality – about the human need to perceive the whole world as an extrapolation of the yin/yang phenomenon. For those of you curious to know why I decided to muse a little on this topic, it’s because a lovely series of coincidences that happened today. First it was one of the … Continue reading

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Wednesday pondering – on playing

My children stayed at home for two days in a row because they were coughing and their noses were running, so I didn’t take them to kindergarten. And what better thing for them to do than play? One of their favorite games is an Xbox car race thing. And while my elder son plays a … Continue reading

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