Wednesday pondering – on God

Yes, I know, it’s been a VERY long while. And honestly, I was kind of wondering if I’d get to write such weekly ponderings again, because I was caught up with tons of things around here. But it so happened today that, when I took my children to school today, my elder one’s teacher mentioned … Continue reading

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at the beginning

deep within the hollowness, as if wrapped in an amniotic cocoon, laid the word, yet unspit by the primordial mouth. deep and asleep and waiting to feel the bite of the flesh deforming it, squat like a lump of yeast in a nest of passions and dreaming, in its roundness, about the reason of prongs, … Continue reading

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On perfection

I was gazing at that darn moth the other day, after reading this when it just hit me: we are just a bunch of pathetic liars. We pretend to be so preoccupied with achieving perfection, we lie to each other and to ourselves that this is what we want, that this is our ultimate aim … Continue reading

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god’s moth

haiku-ish attitude – me watching a white moth bumping its head against an old mattress, testing the resistance of the now worn-out and arguably colored satin to the heaviness of its evanescence – aren’t we, the spores of god (whatever “god” may mean for some and all of us), doing the same thing, bumping our … Continue reading

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There is a hidden word, from forgotten times, that is able to unlock the gates of language – of ANY language. The word is of a particular consistence, indefinable in the known terms. It can morph into any meaning at all and in the same time it contains all the meanings folded in its shape. … Continue reading

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wheel spinning crushes dawns and dusks, grinding them and sieving them in a bowl of clay meant only to gather, and on the edge of the bowl – lo! word’s breath   © Liliana Negoi

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